Saturday 6 September 2008

The Pageant of the bizarre.....

or as most people refer to it, the Swanage Folk Festival, is underway. Now I (along with many of the crew) am a closet 'Folky'.....however, some of the sights in town this weekend are distinctly odd if not downright bizarre!

This queerly dressed fellow was a keen RNLI supporter and sported (alongside a racoon's tail) an RNLI flag in his plumage.

With no hands free to hold his dog, this box squeezer had found a novel solution to controlling his mut.

The girls loved the square dancers and couldn't help but join in. They went down very well too!

I'm always intrigued by Morris dancers. They clearly enjoy what they are doing yet inject so little of that enjoyment into their dances.

And I've simply no idea what these two fellows had come as or for. Presumably they spend their working week hiding in hedges shooting people?

It's a lifeboat exercise in the morning so hopefully something more lifeboat orientated tomorrow night.

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