Thursday 18 September 2008

Climbing in

It was exercise night last night and for a change I went on the ILB. One part of the fitness test which I still had to complete was demonstrating the ability to climb into the ILB unassisted from the water. Technically we are allowed to use any one of a number of methods to do this, including using the engine as a step...however, rather like sailors on square riggers spurning the 'lubber's hole', it is considered poor form to re-enter the ILB by any other way than heaving oneself in over the side. Thankfully I managed this thanks to some helpful encouragement from Tom (thanks mate).

It was a crew meeting afterwards and unusually we had little to discuss other than how and where to hold our Christmas party. It looks like it might be the Ship again, perhaps black-tie, perhaps fancy dress. Whatever, I'm sure we'll be well looked after.

Incidentally, this photo was really the best I could do last night (I tried hard to get a decent photo of Tom but that wasn't going to happen). Not what I set out to take but I like it!

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