Martin decided to take charge and teach Sam how to set up the tow. It felt a bit like I was doing a classroom observation...I have to say, he was very good!
Meanwhile on the rowing club pontoon Dave was teaching Andy how to set up a bridle to spread th load on a casualty vessel.
Almost as we finished and handed the pontoon over to the rowing club we got tasked by Portland to go and pick up a dinghy which had been sighted by the Barfleur drifting about 7 miles SE of Peveril point. On arrival Rob jumped onboard to have a quick once over and check that it was OK to be towed.
I'm sure it's a very useful dinghy Geoff but Rob was pretty keen to get off!
Once we were about 1/2 way back we handed the tow over to the ILB so that we could carry on with our mornings activities.