Monday 23 February 2009


Stands for Global Maritime Distress Safety System and is an internationally agreed-upon set of safety procedures, types of equipment, and communication protocols which have been designed to make it easier to communicate with and ultimately rescue vessels in distress at sea.

It is not the most inspiring topic for learning, however, it is an essential part of how rescues are conducted in the modern age and so we must know our stuff. On our crew there are 8 of us who hold a VHF and MF radio certificate and these are now due for re-validation. With this in mind we will be training for 3 evenings over the next two weeks with an instructor from the College in Poole. Wish us luck!


Mart said...

Hope the training goes well. :o)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to join Mart in wishing you well with the training

Goosey said...

Good luck with that then ! I have been reading your blog for a few weeks and finding it really interesting, especially as I know Swanage well!