Thursday 30 April 2009

Guilding the lilly

The RNLI is supported across the country by various Guilds who work incredibly hard to help raise the millions of pounds needed to keep the Lifeboats afloat and the crews trained. Sometimes these are known as Ladies Guilds, but ours was re-named a number of years ago to reflect the hard work which many of the men put in (and also to avoid any accusations of sexism).

Our Guild host a number of events through the year to raise funds. One of the most eagerly awaited is the annual plant sale. This is to be held this Saturday in the Catholic Hall in Rempstone Road. There is also Brick-a-Brac on sale along with refreshments. This is always a good event so do come along (come early as securing the best plants is a surprisingly competitive activity)!

Belated congratulations also to Gloria marsh who has been elected President of the Guild. Gloria is Martins Mother-in-Law, Mother to Katrina, Grandmother to Matt, Gav and Chad and Widowed wife of Vic Marsh, a former Coxswain of the J. Reginald Corah. So you can see that she is supremely well qualified to take on this roll (as if she wasn't busy enough already as a District Councillor and School Governor)!

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Anonymous said...
