Thursday 12 April 2012

Good old fashioned salvage...

Nothing much changes in the world of ships and shipping. No sooner has a wreck washed up than the scavenging begins...and it's a sad end really for what must once have been a fine looking boat.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Waiting for the boat to come home...

So the boat has been delayed on it's exercise looking for the wrecked hull of a yacht which has been drifting along the Dorset coast for the best part of a week.

This has now been found and brought under tow into safety. Well done boys...

Meanwhile, back in the Boathouse, the boys wait patiently with all the gear ready for the boat to return.

Practice makes perfect...

So, while both boats are away at sea, those remaining behind work through a variety of training scenarios. Tonight this includes a fair amount of practise with the heaving line (trying to hit a bucket). Well done to Roydon who is the only one to manage so far!